Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Out of parched ground

Isaiah 53:1-2
"Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of parched ground.  He has no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him."

I haven't been able to get this phrase out of my mind: for He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of parched ground."
I keep rolling it around in my head, pressing it for meaning, praying for understanding.

This is the one thing I know about that statement that keeps coming back to me...

roots don't grow out of parched ground.

Just like life can't come out of death.

And a virgin can't conceive a child...much less the embryo of God.

Yet all these things have happened and the hope of my life now and for eternity is resting on the shoulderss of these impossibilities; spinning on the axis of things that never should have happened, could not have happened.  Without God.

So as I'm thinking about Jesus this morning, I'm being renewed by the truths of His ability to not only do the impossible, but that the essence of His character is to be the unthinkable. God. But man.  Infintite. Yet confined to need to be born, fed, to sleep, and drink.
And to do the ultimate impossibility of all - to make us righteous before a holy God.  He didn't just sweep our sins under the cosmic rug of the universe and pretend they never happened.  No, He humbled Himself to be punished as though He was the one who had done all the sins ever committed - and for a glorious trade - so we who believe would be treated and seen by God as though we had only ever done the righteous acts of Jesus Christ.

This is a glorious and true and impossible thing that I'm praising God for today.  And in a very personal way I'm asking Him to search my heart for dead things and to make them alive.  To bring some fresh and strong roots out of the parched ground in my heart.  Because this Easter I don't just want to celebrate new life in a general sense but in a personal, this-is-something-God-has-been-doing-in-my-own-heart kind of way.
Because I know for me, I can "be" something without really being it.
I became a wife two years ago, but I am learning to really be a helping, loving, and gracious wife.
I became a mom a few months ago, but I am very aware of the the fact that I will be learning how to really mother for the rest of my life.
I am alive in Jesus Christ, but I am still learning to let Him really bring to life every cell and fiber of my being so I can truly be alive.  

As I was sitting out on my porch thinking about roots and parched ground, I lookded into our backyard and saw this.  A lone daffodil.  Growing out in our yard that is dry and shady and grows nothing.  Perfect example? I think yes. 

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