Thursday, September 11, 2014

Not now.

Heaven is not now. 

I will drag my soul into all sorts of discouragement and unnecessary discontentment if I try to have the comforts and security of Heaven now.  I was made for Paradise with God so the longings I feel for peace and settlement are right, but I must be careful to direct them straight to God instead of to things,
the accomplishing of tasks,
the perfecting of relationships,
or whatever else.

One day, all will be settled.
All will be right.
All will be finished and peace will reign.

But now is the time to fight.  We are at war and I cannot live like we are not.  Sacrifices must be made and my perspective must constantly be shifted to coming glory and peace while remaining faithful in the work to be done here on earth.

Heaven is coming.
But if I try to live like that time is now, I will rob myself of the rewards and joy that are promised for those who faithfully endure life in the "not yet."

Father, people are hurting all around me.
Soemtimes the thought of it is all too much to bear. So many question marks and situations that can't be tied up with a pretty bow.  I just keep thinking "this world is cursed." This is not how it was meant to be.  Lord thank you for letting my soul feel the biting chill of winter, reminding me that I am not meant to feel cozy here. The light and warmth of Heaven calls me to press on to the Better City that awaits.

I was made for more than this. 

When I feel the darkness creeping in, when the latest news story is more than I can swallow, when I can't bear the thought of one more broken heart, lift my eyes.
Let me feel the warmth of your presence and be reminded of your good word that you are coming back soon.  Guard me against bitterness and cynicism so I can be a faithful, prayerful pilgrim in these frigid shadowlands.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus. Please come.

"After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 5:10-11

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”- C.S. Lewis

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you kays, love this beautiful post. Jesus is our promise, now and forever. Thankful for the work the Lord has called you to up there, love you guys!
