Sunday, October 20, 2013

Amanda + Dallas + Judah

Fall shoots are in full swing over here!
I've been enjoying processing all the pictures of so many sweet and fun families.  Every family has its own personality and way they interact with each other - I love it!

This family is special to my family and so many others - Dallas is the Pastor of our current home church, the City Church.  You get to know people really well when you partner together to plant a church, and I can say that Dallas and Amanda are the real deal - they truly love Jesus, and truly love people.  We have all grown so much together over the past few years and it has been a blessing to be apart of this journey with them.

They specifically requested pictures on the "choo-train" track because that is Judah's current obsession...which I totally get because Levi is the same way! 

This was Dallas telling Judah that he could pick just one rock to hold...

I don't remember if he told him that he could chuck it as hard as he could, but he did :)

Such a sweet, handsome little guy!

Watching for trains...

This next series of pictures was so fun...Dallas kept telling Judah not to "give mommy any of his kisses" Judah felt like such a rebel every time he kissed Amanda, which is exactly what we wanted him to do.  Turns out two year old boys LOVE opposite day :)

Sorry for so many of those - I had a hard time deciding which ones were my favorites!

The next game was called "tackle mommy" which was equally as exciting as "don't kiss mommy."

Favorite!! I was so excited when I realized that this picture actually turned out in focus. Score!

I love how Judah looks like he's diving out of the tree.

While Judah was happily playing in the grass with rocks, we snuck in a few of just Dallas and Amanda.


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