Monday, October 14, 2013

Adrienne + Ric + Elliot + Baby Girls on the way!

I was so excited when Adrienne contacted me about doing her family's pictures again this year, especially because they are currently expecting TWO new additions to the family - twin girls! Ah! Isn't that so fun??  I'm pretty sure I asked her a hundred questions about what it's like to carry two, can she tell which baby is which, are they wearing matching outfits home from the hospital??? Etc, and other important things like that (just kidding about that last one).  You can ask my husband, I would LOVE to have twin girls - although after recently coming out of the newborn stage with just one, I feel a little less anxious for that blessing right now :). 

Anyways, I had a lot of fun capturing these maternity pictures for this sweet family - I know they have so much joy awaiting them with the arrival of their precious little girls!

These pictures were taken at Adrienne's parents house...isn't this backyard just beautiful?

I love this one.

Precious little Elliot carried this donut hole around for the better part of the session. He didn't eat it, he just wanted to hold it. You just never know what goes through the mind of a two year old :)


Just working on his donut modeling skills, no big deal.

Two ultrasounds!

Looking for the moon...

Little Elliot is going to be such a sweet brother...congratulations y'all!

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