Friday, July 25, 2014

Amy is a Senior!

My younger sister Amy came to visit us for a few days this summer and we had a blast.  Aside from watching Gilmore girls and going to Boston and getting our Jillian Micheals on, we snuck in some Senior pictures because Vermont in the summer is a dreamland (Vermont in the winter is also a dreamland but since it lasts for half the year the dreaminess wears off rather quickly.)

Ames is a bombshell so getting beautiful pictures was easy. What was not easy was navigating the willow tree branches and getting her to reign in her out of control funny faces.

Ames - you're beautiful in every way and even though I know you're ready to go ahead and jump straight to college, enjoy your senior will be a blast!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures as usual Kayla! But then again you had a beautiful model to work with! I cannot believe she is a Senior! Hoping we still get in (we haven't heard yet!) we will be there at the same time with Aidan!! So excited for her! Hoping you all are loving Vermont!
    Love ya,
