Monday, January 9, 2012

2 years.

2 years. That's how long I've been married to the
I always like recounting our progress to Ben - I think he appreciates it.

2006 - I fell for him hard. (I enjoy reminding him that I liked him first.)

2007 - he got with the program and started liking me ;)

2008 - we started dating! dream come true!

2009 - he asked, I said YES.

2010 - We got married.  Best day of my life.

2011 - Levi! Sweetest boy ever.

2012 - Married 2 years!! I'm sure there will be more to report by the end of the year, but seeing as how we're only 9 days in, this is landmark enough.

I love thinking back to what I was doing at this time two years ago.  I woke up so.excited. that it was OUR wedding day and was rushing to get ready - only to find that the pipes had frozen over and I couldn't take a shower.  No big, I just went across the street to the neighbor's house and took one there.
For being January, it was a gorgeous day - the Lord sent a little dusting of snow that made our outside pictures gorgeous.  Sorry bridesmaids in strapless dresses.  I remember the whole day seeming to fly by so fast. Before I knew it, it was time to walk down the aisle.  I remember brushing my teeth or something at the last minute and freaking out that I was going to be late and they would start without me.  Then my friend reminded me that I was the bride and that couldn't happen.
All of the sudden, it was time. I grabbed my brother's arm and the doors opened.  There he sweet Ben.  The man I couldn't wait to spend every day of the rest of my life with as my husband. 

We said our vows, and it some kind of unbelievable and very unreal way, we were married.
Just like that.
I didn't feel one dot different, but I was instantly a wife.  In the sight of God, we were now one, bound in a covenant of love for the rest of our lives.

That's what we're learning to do now.  Be in covenant.  Be one. Be the clearest picture of Christ and the Church so we can say to the world in case you're wondering how Jesus loves His people and how we should respond to Him, look at our marriage. 
That is a huge and weighty thing to be able to say, but that's why we're married. That's the whole point we are working towards and we are not there yet. At all.
So that's why we're talking it through, learning to communicate about everything, reading books about marriage, crying about things (ok I cry. not him.), and pressing in to Jesus to learn to love each other better.
And it's pretty much my favorite thing in the whole world.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! A winter wedding! (: Very nice. Hope this year brings loads of happiness and wonderful landmarks to both of you, and your little boy.
